Intentional Living

Take responsibility for your one wild and precious life…

This morning the air was crisp and cool. It seems fitting, as the neighbor kids will be starting school this week. Back to school season is in full swing. The march toward the yellow bus no longer rules my late summer, but the change of season has me thinking about the fall. I don’t want to rush it, but I know that sweet summer will eventually give way to a new season. 

As I look at my calendar, I am thinking about what I want this fall to feel like. What pace do I want in my life? How do I want my days, weeks, and months to feel? I’ve made a list of this fall’s responsibilities. Keith and I have talked about our goals, and our hopes and made decisions about time off, travel, and our social life over the slow days of summer.

This fall we are prioritizing less. Fewer nights out, less travel, and less spending. This has been a bit of a slog for us. There are so many good things we can add to our lives. Things that bring us joy and community. So many good things. 

And yet, as we committed to praying about our next season, we have both felt drawn to less. Now, is not the time to begin a new small group. Now, is not the time to plan the vacation we’ve been talking about. We will forgo another big project, and maybe not press in to finish all that we planned in the spring. Now, is not the time to add more to our lives.

Instead, it is the time to carve out time to stay home and dig into our creative spaces. It is the time to focus on quieter outlets and simple order in our home. 

Maybe you too are in the process of making decisions about the Fall. It has been a long process for me to realize that I am responsible for the pace of my life. For so long, I have been dragged along by the commitments on my calendar. Recently though, I’ve learned that I can take them off as easily as I add them. 

One of the first things we need to do as we think about the next season is to identify any overarching goals.  If you’re not sure, here are some questions that can help sort through the good, to find the best. 

  • What do you (and your family) need most right now? 
  • What are you longing for? 
  • When you think about your schedule, the demands, and the responsibilities of the next few months how do you feel? 
    • What can you learn from these feelings? 
  • What do you need more of? 
  • What do you need less of?

My goal in this moment is health and vitality, in all areas of my life. So, I’ve created a list and prioritized activities to build health and connection into my life. Some questions I’ve been pondering include: 

  • How do I want my life to feel?
  • What do I want to make sure there is time for?
  • How will I nurture my creativity?
  • When will I make time for the people I love?

As I look at my schedule over the next couple months, I’m thinking about how to ensure I make time for the things that are really important, and setting limits in areas I know it’s easy to get out of balance. I’ve been looking at the last few months, and asking myself these questions: 

  • How many nights out per week is my limit? 
  • When will we gather? And with whom?
  • Where will I place limits around downtime, family time, and solitude? 
  • Are my core commitments reflected in my weekly schedule? 

I have come to realize that when I take responsibility for my schedule, I am in fact choosing to accept responsibility for my life. As we walk toward the next season, this reality is living with me in a new way. 

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.  Psalm 90:12