Intentional Living

Winter beach…

Last Saturday, we snuck away. We left a mess behind. The laundry, dishes in the sink from Friday night, and all the weekend chores were left waiting. A winter snow storm was bearing down on my part of the world, adding even more details that needed our attention. And still, we stole away.

One of my commitments on this side of cancer surgery, has been a promise to get to the water more regularly. I need to feel the wind, and crashing waves. I need to walk the frothy line between water and sand. I need to reconnect to this space which reminds me that I am small in the great wide world.

It was twenty-two degrees with a stiff wind when we arrived. Just a few brave souls could be found bundled up against the gale. We covered up and stepped out into a perfect day. The sun was clear. The clouds streaked through the sky like banners. If it wasn’t for the winding numbing my eye brows, it could have been a perfect beach day.

We walked to the water and wandered down the beach for a bit. When he could no longer feel his fingers, it was time to wander back to the car and warm up.

We found a warm spot for brunch. We held hands. We talked about our week, our plans, our kids, and nothing at all. And then we drove home.

When I was a kid with a fresh faced drivers license, jumping into a car and spending a few hours on a lark was no big deal. Now, it seems a bit frivolous. You know, for adults. But that same kid that just needed to go… still lives inside me.

I still need to just go. To rush to the wind and the shore, and remind myself that there is still spontaneity and fun in me. I am too serious, and often too well planned. I am tired from taking care of all the people. Maybe when I am tired from the cares of life, instead of a nap, I need a quick trip to remind me of this other part… of me.

What do you do that reconnects you to yourself? For me, the ocean lives near the top of my list. Where are the places you go to find a fresh reflection of yourself? Have you been there lately?