Glimpse of Glory

Living well…

For far too much of my life, I’ve been pulled along by the needs and expectations of others. In this season, I want to be propelled by my own values and intention. I’ve spent so much of my life responding to the needs or wants of others, I feared I had lost my own inner compass.
As I regain my footing, I’ve found that mapping a new course has been both exciting and nerve wracking. Leaving behind so many things I always used to define success, and forging a trail away from the well-worn path has been a challenge. In all honesty, I’ve just barely begun. I know there are new obstacles ahead, and things I never imagined right around the corner. But, I’ve begun…. and that’s something.
As I consider the past few months there are so many things I am grateful for:

  • People who believe in me, even when I don’t. I am surrounded by amazing people who have encouraged and cheered me on as I’ve taken the first few steps toward an uncertain future. They are also there to provide a word of caution, or to offer a fresh perspective and we are better for it.
  • All the paths I’ve already traveled. It is comforting to know that without a clue, we have lunged into the future over and over again and been caught by grace and love. We’ve learned so much in this process. The landscape is new and fresh, but the boots that have carried me this far have seen some stuff. And I am better for it.
  • Freedom to take risks. My amazing husband has agreed to a lot of crazy adventures by my side, but this might be the most radical thing we’ve ever done. We don’t know how this next season will work out, but we are walking it together. It’s enough.
  • Faith and hope for the future. Although I’ve spend much time praying for what is ahead, I have not placed my trust in a certain future or a preferred outcome. Instead, I am trying desperately to simply keep in step with the One in whom I’ve entrusted my life.

The illusion of our lives is that if we play it safe, we will be safe. The truth is there are so many dangers on every side, it is a miracle to awake and walk on another day. I love the quote that reminds me to live the depth and breadth of my life, not just the length of it.

My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
John 10:10b NLT

simplethings I hope you enjoyed this exploration of simple things that make life special. This has been part of the Write 31 Days challenge. Click here to catch up on any posts you missed along the way.

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