Intentional Living

Hello 2019…

New Year’s day dawned cold and windy where I live. The trees are dancing to sound of the howling wind. We are tucked under blankets, nibbling on the last of the cookies and treats, and preparing to return to real life.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been moving through a familiar routine of reviewing the past year and preparing to welcome the new. Each year brings its own process, but the essentials of reviewing the previous year, identifying where I am now, and spend some time planning for the new year.

It’s been easy to identify the challenges of the past year. I feel like I’ve spent too much time rehearsing them. It’s been harder to identify how this year has impacted me, the ways I’ve been reshaped and changed through the challenges.

Underneath the chaos, I find that I am beginning 2019 feeling grounded and solid in my life. It is amazing to realize that while the past year brought unprecedented change and loss, it also forced me to dig deeply to find my footing.

I know, in a new way, that my imperfect life is just right for me. I am so grateful for family and friends, for purpose and a chance to make a difference. This perspective helps me appreciate the beautiful chaos in my ordinary days.

This year, I also learned a powerful lesson about how I want to live. I’ve committed to showing up to my life as whole and healthy as I possibly can. This single truth is reorienting my whole life.

As I consider the new year, I find myself focused on protecting my health and vitality and finding new ways to serve. In my head, these two things seem to be a bit at odds, but in reality it is simply learning to put on my own oxygen mask before I help others.

Living through cancer surgery made me realize that my energy and health are not a given, but a resource that I need to protect and manage. So, I am developing self care routines and practices to ensure I can be as healthy and whole as I can possibly be.

I also am deeply aware of the love and care that surrounded me during this very difficult season of life. So many people poured into our lives, reminding me of the power of love and community. This makes me even more committed to finding ways to love and serve.

How are you doing as you begin the New Year?
Are you energized or depleted?
Are you feeling grounded and in control of your life?
Are you looking forward or backward?

How will you manage your energy and health in the New Year?
Are you getting enough rest?
Are you fueling your body?
Are you practicing self care?

How will you serve?
Your friends and family?
Your community?
Your world?

I pray that you might make your own life a priority this year, and that you might use your one beautiful, ordinary, life well. Blessings to you in 2019.


  • Tracy

    You are such a great writer. This is inspiring to consider ‘managing your health and energy’. You are right, it’s not a given, rather something to be cherished, protected, and used wisely. Thank you for this inspiration.

    • debraboucher

      Hi Tracy, thank you for your kind words. Yes, this is a lesson I am learning. God has given me both health and energy and I am learning to be accountable for my stewardship of both. I’m glad you are reading along!