Intentional Living

My song…

So, I’m thinking about the things that are essentially me. The things that make up who I am, truly. Not all of the things I’ve adapted to fit in, but the things that come out of my unique set of experiences, personality, talent, and perspective. This, I think is the hardest work I’ve ever done.
Why is it easier to produce, than to engage in the process of becoming?
Why is it easier to hustle for popularity, than be true to your own values?
Why is it easier to go along, than to stand alone in the crowd?
Why is it easier to phone it in, than engage heart and soul?
I am a huge fan of Brene Brown, whose work on vulnerability and whole hearted living wrapped words around unseeable things that I’ve known but not been able to articulate. When I first saw her Ted Talk on vulnerability, I sobbed. She describes internal processes that I’ve experienced but not been able to name.

Owning my story, embracing vulnerability, and leaning into the discomfort. That’s my song.

A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song
Maya Angelou

31daysThis is number 21 of a 31 day writing challenge. Please click here to follow the rest of the series. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

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